Thursday, November 30, 2023

Unveiling the Power of Essential Food Supplements in Your Daily Diet

Unveiling the Power of Essential Food Supplements in Your Daily Diet


In the pursuit of a well-rounded diet, incorporating certain food supplements can enhance overall health and well-being. Let's explore the benefits of key supplements that can complement your dietary regimen.

1. Essential Amino Acids (EAA):

   - Building blocks of protein, EAAs support muscle growth and repair.

   - Aid in the synthesis of neurotransmitters for improved cognitive function.

2. Citrulline Malate:

   - Enhances nitric oxide production, promoting better blood flow.

   - Reduces muscle soreness and fatigue during intense workouts.

3. Vitamin C:

   - Powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system.

   - Supports collagen production for healthy skin and joints.

4. Magnesium:

   - Regulates muscle and nerve function, promoting relaxation.

   - Contributes to bone health and energy production.

5. Ashwagandha:

   - Adaptogenic herb known for stress reduction.

   - Supports adrenal function, promoting a balanced mood.

6. Tribulus Maximus:

   - Natural testosterone booster, aiding in strength and endurance.

   - Supports reproductive health.

7. Zinc:

   - Essential for immune function and wound healing.

   - Promotes proper digestion and metabolism.


Incorporating these food supplements into your diet can provide a holistic approach to nutrition. From supporting muscle growth to enhancing immune function and reducing stress, each supplement plays a unique role in optimizing your overall well-being. Remember, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing new supplements to ensure they align with your individual needs and health goals. Cheers to a healthier, more balanced you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The 11 Most Common Muscle-building Mistakes

The 11 Most Common Muscle-building Mistakes

Starting out on your muscle-building journey can be a tough endeavor. From questionable training techniques to sketchy recovery protocol, potential progress-stunting errors are lurking around every corner. Get acquainted with them, and you'll avoid taking the scenic route to swole. We’re here to make it easy for you. Here are 11 mistakes you should avoid if you want to build muscle faster and without sacrificing your health.

1. You Don't Follow a Programme
Your time in the gym is precious. Don't waste it on the wrong exercises. Whichever goal you choose, find a training approach that lets you train hard while still maximizing recovery. During the workout itself, you stretch and work your muscles and break down muscle tissue. Then, when you rest afterwards, a biochemical repair and synthesis process allows the muscles to rebuild themselves, and thus become both larger and stronger. Your body needs this recovery period. The truth is that if you exercised every day, with no rest between workouts, it wouldn’t work as well, and you would actually make less progress than by resting between workouts.
2. You Eat Junk Food Often
Even if you're armed with the world's best programme, it's futile if you fail to eat junk food, Spend at least as much time sorting out your diet as you do planning your workout. Basically you could have fast food on occasions when you really need to add calories but it's not a viable option to get all of your calories from. Everything requires balance.

3. You Don't Drink Enough Water

Any form of exercise increases sweat, which means your body will lose water – up to two litres every hour – and if you aren't proactive about staying hydrated, it can impact your gains. Dehydration reduces the production of anabolic hormones after strength training and stimulates the production of catabolic hormones.

4. You Leave out Compound Moves

Keep away from simple and ineffective isolation movements, focus on training your biggest muscle groups. If you want to build serious muscle, you need to make compound movements that work across more than one joint – such as the Parallel dips, Pull ups, Barbell hip raises, Squats, Dead-lifts, Incline bench press, ...

5. You Overtrain

A lot of people try to copy the routines of professional bodybuilders, doing 15-20 sets for each muscle group. The truth is you can't take a programme used by a heavily drug-assisted and genetically gifted bodybuilder and assume that someone who trains without the same level of pharmaceutical assistance will get the same results. Your physique is affected by 5 things, and they are: Training , Diet, Genetics, Age and Mind. If you want to make a short term goals in fitness, you have to train hard, eat right, and put your mind to it. This is called the mind muscle connection.

6. You Don't Get Enough Sleep

The effects of poor nigt's kip are three-fold. Not only will you feel lethargic – and therefore less likely to put 100 % into your workout – but getting insufficient sleep tanks your levels of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor One), the key hormones for muscle-building, and cranks up cortisol, which breaks down muscle mass.

7. You Don't Squat Deep Enough

This valuable muscle-builder can be rendered near-useless with poor technique. Squatting with a good depth requires a balance and hip, ankle and thoracic spine flexibility and mobility and a lot of people struggle with at least 1 of these. Being able to get below parallel on your squat produces greater muscular activation (quad and glute building) as you drop below 90 degrees; In fact the glute muscles are at their most active in a squat when they are fully stretched so it pays to go deep if you want to to build both size and power.

8. You Lift Too Fast

Many make judgment errors when lifting weights. You should lift not too fast nor too slow, no matter what your goal. Practice your sport if you need to build your speed. If you lift more weight in any style, you will get bigger and stronger. Though lifting fast can build muscle, it harms your safety and results.

9. You Don't Train Your Back

Training your back does a lot more than build muscle. All the muscles on the back side of your body, from your glutes to your lats to your hamstrings and rhomboids, help balance out the muscles on the front side of your body. There are several reasons to make having strong back muscles a priority. Strengthening the back can : improve posture, help prevent back pain and secure stability of the spine.

10. You Skip Leg Day Repeatedly

Leg workouts are often neglected by gym-goers, who focus more on upper body work. A large upper body means nothing if the lower half can’t keep up. All of your workouts should be engaging and you should get something out of each and every one. Training your legs is essential if you want to achieve a balanced fitness routine, with the right approach, you will see huge gains and won’t have to worry about a lopsided physique again.

11. You're Not Eating Enough Protein

Your body needs sufficient protein to build muscle effectively. That's nothing new. But if you've only been upping your intake on training days, it's time to reassess your macros. Your body can't store amino acids for future use, so you need to keep your levels topped up between workouts. According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition, you should aim for a minimum of 1.7g protein per kg body-weight on the days you don't hit the gym (2.2g per kg body-weight was found to be the optimum amount).

The Takeaway

Patience is key in any fitness regime and strength training shouldn't be rushed. Muscle building doesn’t happen overnight, it takes smart, hard work, planning, and dedication. You will want to make sure you’re not making the above muscle building mistakes that can delay your progress, just take your time, train your body properly and you'll see the benefits to your whole athletic performance.
Source :

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

5 Unhealthy Foods You Should Start Avoiding Immediately

5 Unhealthy Foods You Should Start Avoiding Immediately

The key to good health lies in eating less, exercising more, and most importantly in good nutrition. Not only does this involve incorporating healthy foods in the diet, but also in eliminating a few harmful ones too. Keeping that in mind, begin by reducing the intake of white harmful food.

5 white foods which can harm your body if not taken in proper consideration :

  • 01 - SUGAR
  • 02 - SALT
  • 03 - WHITE FLOUR
  • 04 - WHITE RICE

01 - SUGAR


Sugar contains no essential nutrients and is one of the worst ingredients in your diet. It is high in calories and is present in almost every processed food (Tamasic food). Why Sugar Is Called White Poison? It is the leading cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The high fructose level of sugar can affect your liver. Not just that, sugar immobilizes the immune system, making one prone to illness and disease. Processed items high in sugar like soft drinks, mocktails & cocktails, ketchups, biscuits, ice-cream, chocolates, desserts should be avoided if you are targeting a healthier diet.

Tip: Check for hidden sugar sources on the food label. Sugar may be mentioned on the labels by different names like malt sugar, invert sugar, honey, jaggery or terms ending with ‘ose’ (maltose, dextrose, glucose, sucrose, and fructose), or corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup.

02 - SALT


Food without salt doesn’t taste good at all. You might never want to eat tasteless food. Some foods may not taste salty, but they are actually loaded with salt. They contain other ingredients that balance the taste. However, excess salt is associated with numerous health hazards. Why to avoid salt? Not only does salt contribute to water retention and bloating, it also causes an imbalance in the blood pressure. Salty dishes contribute to impairment of kidney function, resulting in less water and toxins to be expelled from the body. Excessive intake of salt can also affect your bones, thus causing bone thinning. High sodium foods like ready to eat foods, papads, pickles, sauces, chips, salted biscuits, cheese and salted butter have the highest salt content.

Tip: Read the food labels to catch sodium in the form of preservatives like sodium benzoate, monosodium glutamate, baking powder and baking soda.



White flour is highly refined and acts more or less like sugar in the body. It is digested almost immediately and contributes to sugar spikes in the body. Why to avoid white flour? Foods made with a high proportion of white flour like bread, pasta, pizzas and puffs are associated with health risks that are- Obesity Constipation Type 2 Diabetes The refining process of white flour eradicates all of its nutrients, so it does not offer any additional nutritional benefits. Moreover, white flour is also bleached using highly toxic chlorine bleach, which creates toxic chemicals that destroy the insulin producing cells of the pancreas.

Tip: To make sure a food is made with whole grains, look on the food label for words like "whole grain".



If you are a rice lover, it might break your heart looking at this grain in this list. No doubt, rice is rich in minerals, vitamins and iron but it’s high glycemic index (effect on blood sugar levels) and heavy carbohydrate content make it a villain in the healthy lifestyle. Brown rice is a good alternative as it has fewer calories. Why to avoid white rice? High glycemic index leads to diabetes and the starch content in rice (specially white rice) doesn’t break easily which is a big trouble for heart patients and weight watchers. Rice can also contain arsenic, which may increase the risk of cancer and strokes. Arsenic is bad for health as it has a negative effect on nerves and brain functionality.

Tip: Choose a healthier variety of rice in antioxidants like brown rice (whole grain), red rice, black rice or wild rice over white rice.



Potatoes are a rich source of fiber and also contain healthy minerals, nutrients and high quality protein. Despite these benefits, they are categorized harmful if over consumed. Why to avoid white potatoes? They get converted to glucose and increase the sugar and insulin levels in the blood. They also contain glycoalkaloids that disturb the digestive system, cause gut inflammation and lead to joint pain in some people.

Tip: Instead of eating white potatoes, one should consider healthy alternatives like red potatoes, russet baked potatoes and corn baked potatoes.

Wrapping it up…

You might not be able to eliminate these 5 ‘White Poisons’ from your diet initially and it may seem particularly hard in the beginning. But believe it or not, once you actually go about doing it, you will never look back or regret your decision.

Source :

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Anabolic Steroid Drug Fact In Bodybuilding

Anabolic Steroid Drug Fact In Bodybuilding

Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) have been used to enhance athletic performance since the 1940s, but some of the health risks of steroid abuse have only recently come to light. Anabolic steroids have widespread effects on the body and its internal systems, so it’s not surprising that aside from their potential effect on muscle growth, they can harm other cells and organs.

We hear about steroids all the time. But what are steroids? 

 Steroids are the types of drugs that are androgenic. They are also called anabolic steroid that is a type of synthetic testosterone hormone. Steroids are used by men and women to compete in the bodybuilding world by the increasing amount of testosterone for building muscles. 

Testosterone happens to produce after puberty and this is something very much important for building muscle mass too. The levels of testosterone in average men is about 300-1,000ng/dl, bodybuilders acquire more amount to have an advantage. 

Females do not produce so much testosterone but still, they have some fractions of it, just to improve their bones strength and reproductive health. Anabolic steroids in the world of bodybuilding are also being called Performance enhancement drugs that can be SARMs too ( Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators)  


 What Steroids Can Do? 

Medically, steroids are taken by different people with serious conditions to which anabolic steroids is a valid treatment. Apart from this, athletes and bodybuilders use steroids illegally because it can do the following things.

  •  Steroids significantly affect protein synthesis (per steroid cycle gives you 5-11 pounds of lean mass) 
  • Steroids lower the fat percentage 
  • Boost endurance and physical agility for athletic purpose
  •  Improves bones density
  •  Enhance RBC ( Red Blood Cell ) production greatly
  •  Stacking steroids with HGH (Human growth hormone), SARMs, and Insulin further increase muscle mass 
  •  Steroids are popular drugs of choice for muscle-wasting disease 


How Do steroids help in Bodybuilding? 

Naturally occurring hormones are only produced in a limited amount because that’s how nature works. Anabolic steroids mimic the action of natural hormones (especially testosterone) and this activates testosterone production in the body. 

This happens via activation of the receptors and when this happens, two main mechanisms are seen. 

 Testosterone performs anabolic action which provides support to bones and muscles. It also helps in the recovery process from injury. 

 The androgenic nature of testosterone looks after masculine characteristics such as deeper voice and facial hair. 

 Anabolic steroids work too quickly, which means bodybuilders gain dense muscle mass within just one cycle. This made many people train less and rely mostly on these compounds since they are the strongest compounds yet. What they don’t realize is the hazy feel after which comes a plethora of side effects.  


How Do You Take Steroids? 

 There are many formulations of steroid which has a different route of administration. Anabolic steroids are found as capsules, gel, transdermal patches, and injections. The most conventional way is still the oral one since it’s easy to take. 

 Out of 100%, around 90% of steroid users are aware of the side effects, and therefore taking steroids in a certain way could avoid the side effects. 

 Here’s how to take steroids correctly. 

  • You must always use steroids for a limited amount of time, after which a resting period is required. This is most common during the cycling phase. 
  •  Always use 1 steroid at a time, stacking could make the results better but it’s more associated with making them worse. 
  • Pyramiding is the combination of stacking and cycling which many professional bodybuilders apply. During pyramiding, first, they take a low dose of anabolic steroids and then increase the dosage gradually. After this, the gap is required for some time after which the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) option is also useful. 
  • Post Cycle Therapy is the option executed after a steroid cycle, this is chiefly to prevent any further testosterone suppression and normalize the hormonal levels.


 Natural Bodybuilding VS Steroids 

 A lot of controversies have been raised after people started asking which one is better, natural bodybuilding or steroidal one. We cannot deny the importance of natural bodybuilding as it takes the users to the safest zones while maintaining their physical approach. Every group which is practicing either of the bodybuilding means thinks they are right all along.

 But this shall be disclosed to all because people are not so much naïve anymore and they deserve to know the right thing.

  •  Natural Bodybuilders never use artificial compounds like steroids to develop muscle mass. They rather consume a healthy diet, get plenty amount of water and rest, and in some cases use herbal supplements to skip the need of steroids. 
  • Natural bodybuilders’ gains are less than steroid bodybuilders but one thing should be remembered, natural ones have long-lasting results and steroids don’t. 
  •  Gradual muscle building is a part of natural bodybuilders but they get to have better overall health and healthy metabolism. 
  • Natural bodybuilders could achieve a plethora of benefits i.e lowered blood sugar and cholesterol, low blood pressure and stable metabolism. 
  • Natural bodybuilding is an excellent form of stress destroyer that naturally supports testosterone production in men rather than taking steroids. 


Steroids Bodybuilders take steroids for bodybuilding, a type of male hormone (testosterone) is injected for the quickest results. 

 Steroids bodybuilding lets you train with the maximum amount of energy, more than you could get on natural methods. The recovery rate would also be faster and you could build heavy-looking muscle mass, all with dangerous complications at the end waiting!


 The side effects of using anabolic steroids 

The side effects of using anabolic steroids range from minor to severe which are: 

  • Imbalance of hormonal levels 
  • Suppression of testosterone hormone 
  • Gynecomastia where manboobs appear on your chest 
  •  Infertility, low sex drive and hair loss in men 
  • Hypertension 
  • Liver and kidney damage
  •  Fluid retention in the muscles 
  •  Mood swings, aggression, and mental health issues
  •  Sudden heart attack/death  


Steroids vs Natural Bodybuilding – Which is better? 

 Looking at the side effects of anabolic steroids, in 2022 only a few people are convinced by the steroids before and after results. It’s a 100% sign you could gain immense power using steroids but that would be temporary. Without negative side effects and have to deal with life-threatening issues, natural bodybuilding via natural steroids giving a chance to bodybuilders to stick with something effective in real.

 If you are looking to gain huge muscle mass, find a way to increase natural testosterone production instead of pushing it harder on the muscles. The better version for bodybuilding is natural because unless anything is suspiciously dangerous, you can use it for sure. 


Finally .. The dangers of steroids do not knocks until you have consumed them for a long time. This doesn’t mean you can skip these side effects following one cycle only, steroids are not natural but synthesized in laboratories to artificially boost muscle synthesis. This takes a heavy toll on the body considering there are other auto-immune generated phenomenon’s that limit these compounds, hence causing liver toxicity and renal failure.

Source :

NIDA. 2018, August 12. Anabolic Steroids DrugFacts. Retrieved from on 2022, April 18
Ribadeneira, Diego. "Steroid Revolution: Youngsters Increasingly Using The Drug Just to Look Good." Houston Chronicle. 6 Nov. 1988. pp. 1B+
Nuwer, Hank. Steroids. New York: Franklin Watts, 1990
Collins, Rick. Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding, and The Law. 1999-2000

Thursday, January 14, 2021

10 Ways To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

10 Ways To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a male sex hormone responsible for sex drive, as well as protein processing for muscle mass development and strength. Testosterone helps to gain muscle and burn fat. Males produce about ten times the amount of this hormone as females do, but females are far more sensitive to its effects. If you have a low testosterone level, you might experience erectile dysfunction, depression, low sex drive, fatigue, irritability, and decreased muscle mass, so naturally you will want to boost your testosterone if you are seeing these symptoms.



Our diet plays a huge role in our testosterone production. To boost your testosterone levels you need to increase your fat and cholesterol intake. 


 2 - Avoid sugary foods and drinks 

Try to avoid as much added sugar as possible, especially soda and other sugary drinks. 



Your testosterone levels will increase if you're snacking on 20 almonds at least 2 times a day. 


 4 - Take Magnesium, Zinc & Vitamin D3 Supplement

Our glands need certain minerals like zinc and magnesium. Vitamin D3 actually isn’t a vitamin, it’s a hormone - a really important hormone that provides a whole load of health benefits. Our bodies can naturally make vitamin D from the sun, but recent studies have shown that many westerners are vitamin D3 deprived because we’re spending less and less time outdoors. 


 5 - Take Omega-3 Fish Oil 

Fish oil has been shown to improve heart and brain health as well as increase production of the Luteinizing hormone (the hormone responsible for triggering the testes to produce T). 


6 - Lift Weights

 Testosterone will initially increase during exercise, especially if you are relatively new to exercise and weight training, you have to start lifting using heavy loads on exercises to target the lower body such as squats, cleans and deadlifts. 


7 - HIIT CARDIO Training 

 Studies have shown that HIIT workouts can also help boost testosterone levels. HIIT has been shown to improve athletic conditioning and fat metabolism, as well as increase muscle strength. 


8 - Get More And Better Sleep

 If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body can’t produce testosterone as efficiently or effectively. Not only does sleep boost testosterone, but it also helps manage cortisol, a stress hormone responsible for muscle weakness.


 9 - Manage Your Stress

 Studies have shown a link between cortisol and testosterone. When cortisol levels are high, testosterone levels are low and the opposite for the low hormone levels.


 10 - Take Ice Baths 

Take a 10-12 minute ice bath after hard workouts. Most of the research around temperature and testosterone hormone found that cold water can increase testosterone levels. Not very one can take a cold water especially person’s that live in a cold climate where exposure to cold water can lead to hypothermia, and persons suffer from heat blood pressure and heart diseases cold showers aren’t suggested. 




Source :

·Ribadeneira, Diego. "Steroid Revolution: Youngsters Increasingly Using The Drug Just to Look Good." Houston Chronicle. 6 Nov. 1988. pp. 1B+
·Nuwer, Hank. Steroids. New York: Franklin Watts, 1990
·Collins, Rick. Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding, and The Law. 1999-2000

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Customize Your Body: Get Fit With Portion Sizes Method

Customize Your Body: Get Fit With Portion Sizes Method


 In others to burn more fat you should burn more calories than you take. And most diets don’t work for very long because they are too complex and rigid. Too many rules, too much effort, too time-consuming. If you need to lose weight, you don’t think you could ever stay on a diet that required you to count calories.


Sometimes you make an error when you count your calories sometimes you have no idea how the food was prepared, what kind of oil it was cooked in, or what ingredients are in the sauce so counting calories become difficult and sustainable. But I know that not everyone will count every calorie that he take expect competitive bodybuilder, personally I never count calories at all, I use another method to be more mindful about what I am eating, the method called : “Portion Size Method”. 


A “portion” is the size of your open hand or closed fist. It means to eat at least one portion of each of “protein, carb, vegetable, or fruit”, and with this “handy” guide, you’ll always have a way to estimate portion size at your fingertips:  

1.      3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry
Palm of hand (no fingers)

2.      1 ounce of meat or cheese
Thumb (tip to base)

3.      1 cup or 1 medium fruit

4.      1–2 ounces of nuts or pretzels
Cupped hand

5.      1 tablespoon
Thumb tip (tip to 1st joint)

6.      1 teaspoon
Fingertip (tip to 1st joint)



Meal Plan To Gain Muscle : 


If you're underweight this plan help you to gain muscle in a healthy way 


Gain Muscle
  • 07:00 A.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.

  • 9:00 A.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.

  • 12:00 A.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.

  • 2:00 P.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.

  • 05:00 P.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.

  • 07:30 P.m

    Protein, Carb or Fruit.



Meal Plan To lose weight  : 


If you want to lose fat, you should take out the carbs and only eat Protein, vegetables, in this case your body will turn into a fat burning machine and you can eat as much as you want , because eating only those 2 sources will put you in a caloric deficit, eating carbohydrate just after your workouts

Lose Weight
  • 07:00 A.m

    Protein, Vegetables.

  • 9:00 A.m

    Protein, Vegetables.

  • 12:00 A.m

    Protein, Vegetables.

  • 2:00 P.m

    Protein, Vegetables.

  • 05:00 P.m

    Protein, Carbohydrates or fruit (Post Workout).

  • 07:30 P.m

    Protein, Vegetables



Food Choices ...


>> And of course you have to keep track everything on your body to make The Portion Sizes Method work correctly and if you're making a progress or not by:


. Weighing yourself every week 


. Checking your progress every week and make changes to your diet and workout


If you are not making progress, you can look at what you have been eating and make the changes to your diet and workouts and the change will be like : "Eat less food next week"," Work hard", "Drink more water" >> until you find the proper key to make your body lose fat faster.


Source :
